Monday, 16 May 2016

Immersion assembly

POW POOF WHACK SHASH yes this term team 4 is learning about and reading about comic’s. The comic’s that we will be reading is marvel spiderman,captain america, red skull, and hulk. Thouse are the marvel and now DC! Batman, superman, robin,ciclopes. Thats the DC.

Team 4 teachers made a comic called Teacher Venges here's the link Teacher Vengers well did you enjoy the movie i think it was pretty funny. These are the characters bear baxendine, team leader america, bat guy wandering women, and amacher heroes. The teachers vengers punch kick and throwed bear baxendine in around 30 sec bear baxendine was defeated. The teachers vengers took bear baxendine to jail at point england school.

Also the assembly was about 1 and a half hour to 2 hours most of it was boring and some of it was kind of cool but the thing that i liked the beast it team 4s movie team 3s movie was about winter summer autumn spring the video was kinda weird the ones the i liked was team 1 and team 4 there were cool.

What i thourt about the assembly it was cool and weird at the same time and when i went in the hall i felt excitement in my body. That is what i felt when i went to the immersion assembly. I hope you enjoyed my story about the immersion assembly please leave a comment.

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